More Than 15 Years Of Trademark
Experience In Greater Denver
July 15, 2022
How to Trademark a Cosmetic in Colorado

How to Trademark a Cosmetic in Colorado

The cosmetic industry is one of the most competitive industries in the world. From big-name brands to small, up-and-coming companies, thousands of businesses are vying for a piece of the pie. One of the best strategies to legally protect your investment and ensure long-term success is to trademark your cosmetic in Colorado. The process of trademarking a cosmetic in Colorado is relatively simple and straightforward. However, there are a few key steps that you need […]
June 30, 2022
What Is Considered Intellectual Property Infringement in Colorado?

What Is Considered Intellectual Property Infringement in Colorado?

As the creator or owner of intellectual property, you have rights to your work. Even if you’ve not registered a trademark, if you’ve created original work, you have automatic copyright granted to your work once you created it. Registered copyright or other trademark allows you even further protection in a court of law. Intellectual property infringement means that no one can profit off of your ideas or creations. What Is Intellectual Property Infringement? When another […]
June 29, 2022
What Qualifies for Intellectual Property in Colorado?

What Qualifies for Intellectual Property in Colorado?

Whether you’re creating a business, designing a logo, or creating a work of art, it’s important to be knowledgeable about what your rights are surrounding intellectual property in Colorado. Understanding what you have domain over and what you need legal protection for can better help you keep your inventions, company, or work safe. What Is Intellectual Property? Intellectual property refers to the legal protection, through copyrights or trademarks, of ideas, inventions, and literary and artistic […]
May 18, 2022
How Do You Trademark Luxury Goods?

How Do You Trademark Luxury Goods?

As the marketplace continues to grow and new online businesses emerge daily, business owners must be diligent about protecting their brands through trademarking. Trademarks identify the source of a product, such as a company logo or name, and help to protect your brand from being infringed upon. Registering your trademark early in the life of your brand is helpful if litigation is needed since you can rely on your registered rights. Luxury brands and goods […]
May 17, 2022
How Do You Define Luxury Goods?

How Do You Define Luxury Goods?

In business, luxury goods are just that — a luxury. This means they are not necessary to live, but these goods are in high demand in a particular culture or society. People with the funds to purchase these goods are willing to pay a high price for luxury items due to exclusivity, the idea that not everyone will be able to get the item or experience a brand is selling. Therefore, people can show off […]
April 16, 2022
Can I Trademark a Food Idea?

Can I Trademark a Food Idea?

All over the world, people are passionate about food and the effort that goes into trying and experimenting with different ingredient combinations to craft the perfect recipe. Often, recipes get handed down from generation to generation. Other times, with enough practice and experimentation, you can create your own. Sometimes your favorite recipes may even be unique enough to qualify for a patent. How Does the USPTO Define a Food Patent? If you have an original […]
April 15, 2022
What Trademark Class Is Food Products?

What Trademark Class Is Food Products?

With new food products arising every day and competition becoming more intense, it is of the utmost importance to trademark your original food products. Securing a trademark allows for your food products to gain customer trust and create brand recognition. When your food products have a trademark, customers know how to contact you, making your company more reliable and building customer security. A trademark is often a name or an identifying trait that sets your […]
March 16, 2022
How Do I Trademark a Food Name?

How Do I Trademark a Food Name?

Starting and operating a business can be incredibly rewarding, but it is also very demanding. Depending on the industry in which you intend to operate, you will likely face several legal challenges as you work toward establishing your brand and claiming your share of your target market. Food is one of the most competitive business sectors in the world, and there is tremendous opportunity to establish a lucrative business in food products. However, if you […]
March 15, 2022
Can Food Names Be Trademarked?

Can Food Names Be Trademarked?

Building a successful business requires carving out a niche for your brand within your market. This can be very difficult in highly competitive market sectors, especially when it comes to food products and food items. If you are building any food-based business or plan to sell a new food product, navigating the trademark process for your products can be very difficult. You cannot directly trademark food items. However, you can trademark a special food item […]