More Than 15 Years Of Trademark
Experience In Greater Denver
September 10, 2023
What makes a trademark invalid?

What Makes a Trademark Invalid?

Trademarks help businesses maintain a distinct brand identity. Some companies file for a trademark on a logo or slogan and then never use them. Other times, the iconography is too similar to other existing trademarks. In these scenarios, the United States Patent and Trademarks Office (USPTO) may deem a trademark invalid and revoke it. We’ll help you navigate the reasons why the USPTO invalidates trademarks and how to avoid the issue. Can the United States […]
September 7, 2023
Which type of trademarks never receive protection?

Which Type of Trademarks Never Receive Protection?

A trademark helps differentiate your business from the rest and gives a company a sense of identity. Sometimes, the United States Patent and Trademark Office may determine your trademark does not meet the criteria for protection. It’s important to know what elements in a trademark may lead to an invalidation and a lack of protection. We’ll help you determine if your trademark is valid and what to do when you have trouble getting legal protection […]
August 8, 2023
Using Third-Party Trademarks in a Video Game: Infringement or Not?

Using Third-Party Trademarks in a Video Game: Infringement or Not?

Nowadays, there isn’t a lot of legal confusion surrounding rights issues with books. The same is generally true of plays, music, movies, and TV shows. Video games, though, are a different issue. Video games are a new medium, and there are a lot of questions regarding how this new medium should be handled. One of these issues is the relationship between the new medium and trademarks. In general, it seems that treating the medium the […]
August 6, 2023
Trademarks for Colorado Craft Breweries

Trademarks for Colorado Craft Breweries

The craft brewing industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in terms of new firms in America. In such a crowded industry, it can sometimes be difficult to stand out. That’s why success in the craft brewery industry is often a two-fold process. Having a solid product that people can count on is often the foundation of the business, but for real success, it’s often not enough. Building an equally strong brand that people readily […]
July 19, 2023
Elements of Trademark Infringement

Elements of Trademark Infringement

Because intellectual property is a complex creation of the human mind, there are a variety of meticulous laws in place dictating how it can be used and for what purposes. When an individual breaks these rules and misuses a piece of intellectual property, like a trademark, they can face criminal penalties in Colorado. The misuse, theft, or unlawful copying of a trademark are all considered forms of trademark infringement. If you want to register a […]
July 15, 2023
Understanding an Arbitrary Trademark

Understanding an Arbitrary Trademark

Understanding intellectual property and its varying protections can be challenging. For businesses who are looking to register a trademark, it’s essential that you educate yourself on the options available so that you can pick a trademark that’s right for you. Arbitrary trademarks are only used in particular circumstances where a business uses a word that does not relate to their products or services. An arbitrary trademark is just one type of trademark that can be […]
June 15, 2023
What Qualifies as a Dead Trademark?

What Qualifies as a Dead Trademark?

Trademarks are a type of intellectual property that helps give businesses their own “personality” and distinguish them from competitors. To establish a trademark, a business must follow meticulous legal requirements to have it verified. Once the trademark is active, however, the owner must also maintain their registration, or they can ultimately lose their rights to it. For any businesses, owners of trademarks, or individuals looking to form one, it’s necessary that you understand what a […]
June 10, 2023
Examples of Trade Secrets

Examples of Trade Secrets

Often confused with trademarks, a trade secret is a piece of confidential intellectual property that helps a business or corporation function. When a company establishes a trade secret, they reserve the private right to use the intellectual property that they created. This means that their information is legally protected and cannot be shared with any other individuals, businesses, or groups without consequences. Trade secrets are extremely common throughout your daily life and help maintain a […]
May 19, 2023
Can you Trademark a Band Name

Can You Trademark a Band Name?

If you think of a band like other consumer goods and services, then building brand recognition is vital to its continued success. When musicians create music, schedule tours, and drop their latest albums, they are exposing consumers to their brand and all of the marketing that goes with it, including the language it uses in its name and the style it decides to use for its logos. The greater the brand awareness, the more recognizable […]