More Than 15 Years Of Trademark
Experience In Greater Denver
November 28, 2023
What Is a Cease-and-Desist Letter?

What Is a Cease and Desist Letter?

Protecting a company’s intellectual property (IP) rights is vital to maintaining its success. When an outside party performs actions that are threatening your IP, you may start to worry about your options. However, it is essential that you understand cease and desist letters and their efficacy, as these can be crucial in protecting your IP and ensuring other companies cannot intrude on your rights. What Is a Cease and Desist Letter? When you send or […]
November 15, 2023
What does trademark clearance mean?

What Does Trademark Clearance Mean?

Before your business begins using a mark that identifies your service or product, you must perform a trademark clearance search to ensure there aren’t other trademarks similar to the one you want to use. While this process can be long and difficult, it is absolutely essential. What Does Trademark Clearance Mean? Trademark clearance means you have determined that no other business is using a trademark similar to the one you’re considering using, preventing you from […]