As a small business, you might not think that you need to trademark branding materials such as your name, logo and slogan. That’s just for large companies, right?
Wrong. While legally establishing a trademark takes time and money, it secures your growing brand and protects you from your competition.
Protection from competition
Freedom from confusion
When you trademark your brand, your information goes through a thorough search process that ensures that your company’s trademark does not interfere with any other.
If you do not go through this process, you will not know whether you have a legal right to your company’s brand. If an established company finds that your branding is similar to their own, they may be able to force you to change your branding.
Forced rebranding will lose you time, money, weaken your reputation and confuse your existing customer base.
Growth opportunities
Your business is small now, but it holds promising growth opportunities. Even if you are currently flying under your competition’s radar, one great product idea may catapult you to the top of your customer’s wish list.
Take the time while you are still small to trademark your company’s brand. The more visible you are, the higher the risk that brand imitators will try to poach your customers. Establishing a trademark now will protect you from future brand encroachments.
You can file for trademarks on your own. However, it is a complicated process with large room for error. Consider contacting an attorney who can secure your business’ assets, and set you up for future growth.