More Than 15 Years Of Trademark
Experience In Greater Denver
February 15, 2024
How can we protect intellectual property in Colorado?

How Can We Protect Intellectual Property in Colorado?

When “property” is brought up, tangible items come to mind. While it may be simple to understand the law when protecting what you physically own, understanding how to protect the intangible becomes a bit trickier. A Colorado intellectual property lawyer can provide you with invaluable legal guidance if you’re in the midst of an IP-related legal issue. What Is Intellectual Property? Intellectual property refers to creations that come from the mind. Although this doesn’t include […]
January 2, 2024
What do you do if you get a Cease-and-Desist Letter

What Do You Do If You Get a Cease-and-Desist Letter?

A cease-and-desist letter is meant to warn other individuals or businesses to stop performing their harmful or intrusive actions. These letters can also threaten the other party with legal action if they don’t comply with your demands. You may be operating your business as usual until you receive a cease-and-desist letter in the mail. As overwhelming as this situation can be, you can ask for help from a Colorado cease-and-desist lawyer who can represent you. […]
December 18, 2023
What are the penalties for infringing on a trademark

What Are the Penalties for Infringing on a Trademark?

A trademark allows you or your business to identify goods or services and distinguish them from others made or rendered by other parties. For example, if you create a name for a product you develop, the trademark cannot be used by other companies without permission from you. Should another business use your trademark unwarranted, this is considered trademark infringement. To understand what are the penalties for infringing on a trademark, it’s crucial to know how […]
November 28, 2023
What Is a Cease-and-Desist Letter?

What Is a Cease and Desist Letter?

Protecting a company’s intellectual property (IP) rights is vital to maintaining its success. When an outside party performs actions that are threatening your IP, you may start to worry about your options. However, it is essential that you understand cease and desist letters and their efficacy, as these can be crucial in protecting your IP and ensuring other companies cannot intrude on your rights. What Is a Cease and Desist Letter? When you send or […]
November 15, 2023
What does trademark clearance mean?

What Does Trademark Clearance Mean?

Before your business begins using a mark that identifies your service or product, you must perform a trademark clearance search to ensure there aren’t other trademarks similar to the one you want to use. While this process can be long and difficult, it is absolutely essential. What Does Trademark Clearance Mean? Trademark clearance means you have determined that no other business is using a trademark similar to the one you’re considering using, preventing you from […]
October 25, 2023
What do trademarks protect?

What Do Trademarks Protect?

Building a business is no easy task. It takes hard work and a commitment of both time and money. A business needs customers to grow and thrive. The way to reach these customers is through marketing your business, which includes building a brand. Unfortunately, elements of a brand can be misused. The smartest way to ensure your hard work is properly protected is through the use of a trademark. Brand awareness consists of your name […]
October 14, 2023
What is a Service Mark (SM)?

What Is a Service Mark (SM)?

When you create a business that provides a service, there are numerous moving parts that need to be considered for success. For any business, it is vital to build brand awareness. Your brand often consists of your name, logo, and the way you present yourself through advertising, marketing, and your digital presence. You want to create a brand that is recognizable to your current and prospective clients. A service mark is part of the success […]
September 10, 2023
What makes a trademark invalid?

What Makes a Trademark Invalid?

Trademarks help businesses maintain a distinct brand identity. Some companies file for a trademark on a logo or slogan and then never use them. Other times, the iconography is too similar to other existing trademarks. In these scenarios, the United States Patent and Trademarks Office (USPTO) may deem a trademark invalid and revoke it. We’ll help you navigate the reasons why the USPTO invalidates trademarks and how to avoid the issue. Can the United States […]
September 7, 2023
Which type of trademarks never receive protection?

Which Type of Trademarks Never Receive Protection?

A trademark helps differentiate your business from the rest and gives a company a sense of identity. Sometimes, the United States Patent and Trademark Office may determine your trademark does not meet the criteria for protection. It’s important to know what elements in a trademark may lead to an invalidation and a lack of protection. We’ll help you determine if your trademark is valid and what to do when you have trouble getting legal protection […]